Monday, March 02, 2009

CVS Cares

I don't generally do a lot of shopping at CVS, but needed contact lens solution for Adam over the weekend and it was the closest place to where Kurt and I had eaten dinner on Saturday night. When I checked out, there was a $10 off a $30 order that could be used in the next 3 days. I couldn't ignore that!

I perused the CVS circular yesterday and found several items that I didn't really need at this moment, but would eventually have use for. The best part was that each item also had a coupon in the Sunday paper that I could use, too. Finally, if I spent at least $20 on these certain products, I'd get a free six pack of Charmin toilet paper, which was a $5 value! (Now those of you who know me best, know that I only get Scott toilet for the downstairs bathroom and pink for upstairs one....I decided I could suck it up for once and use the white boring stuff...LOL!!)

Here's my bargains:

Head and Shoulders shampoo
Regular price $7.39
Sale price $5.77
With coupon $4.77

8 pack Bounty paper towels
Regular price $ 7.99
Sale price $5.88
With coupon $4.88

16 pack Duracell AAA batteries
Regular price $12.49
Sale price $9.99
With Coupon $8.99

50 ounce liquid Tide
Regular price $9.29 x 2 = $18.58
Sale Price $5.97 x 2 = $11.94
With Coupon $5.47 x 2 = $10.94

6 pack Ultra Soft Charmin toilet paper
Regular price $5.00
Sale price FREE (with $20 purchase)

CVS brand Honey Lemon cough drops
Regular Price $1.29
Sale Price FREE (with CVS receipt from Saturday)

Regular Price $52.74

Sale Price $29.58 (with manufacturer's coupons/free items)

Final Price $21.18 (with $10 off $30 order)

(Good thing I got that little extra below, or I wouldn't have been over $30!)

Reward for doing such a good job.


Anonymous said...

omg mom, you're bargain shopping. i don't know what to do. i might have a break down. what's gotten into you? and WHITE toilet paper? that's just unacceptable. i'm not sure i can talk to you when you're hysterical like this.

Anonymous said...

oh, and HAHA at the snow outside. so happy at least we were spared that.

Michele said...

It's all Jamie's fault.

The snow?

Anonymous said...

ya in the back of the pics through the windows? ya see it? at least i think i see it?

Sue said...

Michele, I have to ask you something. I see you use Tide laundry detergent, do you think it is worth what it costs? The lady I care for complained because her daughter uses anything that is cheap. So, she gave me money to get her Tide and Downey.

I do see the difference in using Downey because she doesn't put her tops and jeans in the dryer and they are really soft after they are dried, not stiff like cheap fabric softener. She makes me use 2 capfuls of the ultra because it still doesn't smell like the old Downey. When I take them out of the dryer I don't even smell the Downey like I used too, too. Do you use Downey too? Have you noticed if they changed their smell of the (ultra) fabric softener? I bought the ultra because it gave you less but it gives you more softener for the loads.

After this week I won't be caring for anymore because she is going to Country Meadows. I'm a little sad, but very happy for her. Because she is not in a good living situation in her own home. So, if you know anyone that could use my assistance in caring for them in there home and doing errands and light cleaning give them my name. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

congraulations! jamis is rubbing off on you!

Jamie said...


lol michele...doesn't it feel good to look at the receipt after? john did some bargain shopping at CVS for me today =) hehe, maxi pads and deodorant, what a man!

Anonymous said...

i do believe anonymous is nani...she never puts her name...i mean she has on occasion, but she never puts the same thing twice.

Michele said...

Sue, I don't have feelings one way or the other for Tide, I just got it this time because it was on sale at CVS and I had a coupon for it. I don't really have a set detergent I use, in fact, I think right now I have three different brands sitting on my washer. And I alternate between Snuggle and Downy...pretty much pick it based on whether I like the smell or not!

Lauren said...

Michele, you ROCK the coupons!

By the way, Tide IS the best... :-)

sajmom said...

I"m impressed, I knew CVS gave coupons out with receipts, but I had no idea you could save that much!!(Sidenote: Holy cow! Ten comments! LOL, you must have found an interesting topic to your readers)
Also, I can't resist commenting: you don't have feelings for Tide? Really? Do you have feelings for other detergents? Does your husband know?
Also also, is there a reason for the color difference in toilet papers that reside on different floors? Why do you segregate them? I'm intrigued (but may not have spelled that right).

Jamie said...

LOLOLOLOLOL! steph, you have me cracking up! thanks!

Michele said...

Steph, you are too funny!!

First of all readers....this CVS thing was a fluke....don't plan on me ever being so lucky again to have this happen again!

No, I'm pretty superficial with my detergents! I don't have strong feelings either way for most of my cleaning products!

And as far as the TP goes, green goes with my color scheme downstairs and pink upstairs....

Michele said...

Oh, and BTW, I can only get my pink and green toilet paper at Wegman's and Redner's!

eaglesfan said...