Sunday, December 28, 2008

Old Friends

Me and Renee (Renee and I were best friends growing up...she and her family live in Georgia now, so we see them once a year at Christmas time)

Me and Renee (and some creeper)

Alyssa, Adam and Josh (Renee & Jeff's son)

Could it be?!?!?! A Hess truck....Yessssss!!!!

Have you ever seen a pink toaster oven?!?!?

Pretty in pink

Adam and Erika


Sue said...

No, I never seen a pink toaster oven, but I think that is just perfect for a girl.

I remember the Hess trucks. Every year my boys when they were younger, they would get the new Hess truck, that came out at Christmas.

sajmom said...

A year or two ago I got Claire a pink Hello Kitty toaster for Christmas. (I don't know how good a toaster it was, but she was happy).