Friday, September 12, 2008

The New Spectacles

I ordered my new glasses on Tuesday and was told it would be seven to ten business days until they came in. I got a phone call today (Friday) that they were in! Woo-hoo! (You can't tell, but they are a deep, deep well with the gray hair...LOL!!) They are going to take some getting used to, though. My last pair had lined bifocals; these are the progressives. Several years ago, I was on the cusp of needing bifocals (probably didn't need them badly enough) and tried the progressives. I ended up returning them a few weeks after I got them, as I just couldn't get used to them. I just got regular lenses then and was OK for the next couple of years. It became evident a couple of years ago when I could no longer see to do my up close cross stitch that it was time for sure for the bifocals. After having had bad luck with the progressives, I opted for the lined bifocals and adjusted to them quickly and easily. Over the past couple of months, however, it seemed like I needed a third prescription....for that in between distance when working/playing games on the computer. My options to address that issue were either trifocals or progressive lenses. I wasn't too excited about getting trifocals, so opted to try the progressives again. That's what these are. I'm hoping that because I really am in need of three different prescriptions, I'll give this some time and make it work!!
(Now excuse me while I go puke and then take some Tylenol for that splitting headache I have....LOL!! Teasing....for now at least.....)


Lauren said...

You are STYLIN'!!!! LOVE 'em!!!!

Sue said...

I really like them on you in this picture. Maybe sometime when I stop by your office to see Jamie, you can come out so I can really see.

I too have progressive lenses and I really had trouble in the beginning, but kept them. I think I would like to go a bit larger in my glasses because I still have trouble seeing distance with the progressives. I thought of trying regular bifocal lenses, but people keep telling me once you have the progressives you won't want to go back.

What do you think?

Michele said...

It may be a little early to ask me about going back to lined bifocals...LOL! By the end of day one, I'd go back in a flash!! The distance part seems to be fine...the computer distance seems to be fine...I'm struggling with the close-up with these new ones. I feel like there's not enough space to look through the bottom for the close up. But I shall persist...they told me it could take up to two weeks to get used to them. It'll be interesting to see how things go next week when I go back to work and am doing a lot of writing in charts.

Karen Petersen Pasquel said...

They are cute!

Anonymous said...

me gusta muchisimo madre. muy bonita, muy bonita. (hopefully you can figure that out without having to google it!)

Michele said...

You needed to write that in Spanish, why?!?!!? (And, yes, I figured it out....I do remember some of my Spanish from a few years ago...LOL!!)

Michele said...

Oh, and b-t-dubs...thanks!

sajmom said...

You look like Alyssa (or she looks like you, whatever!) maybe it's the way you are posing.

ADP said...

I have the bifocals without lines and I still end up looking closely when I am embroidering (have to hold it close to me to see). This bothers my mother terribly for some reason lol. Also, when I am reading small print (i.e. on cans reading ingredients--stuff like that).