Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lost :(

My computer died on Sunday. Dead. No workie. Crap!

I'm sorta going through withdrawal. Kurt has been kind enough to bring his work laptop home from the office for me so I can at least do the basics in the evenings. You know the important stuff....read my emails, check my Google reader, look at all the blogs I follow, check out Facebook. I haven't attempted to get onto Pogo, my game site. I don't want to push my luck!

Kurt asked me why I was done so early last night using his computer. I told him I didn't want to abuse my privileges!

Tonite, after I took pics from Adam's little birthday suaree, I mentioned that there was nothing I could do with the pics anyway. Didn't my sweet husband tell me it was OK to download them onto his computer so I could put them on my blog!

Adam has a computer geek friend and he has suggested that possibly the operating system has crashed. Fiona said there's a chance the motherboard needs to be replaced. Who knows?!?!? I think the current plan is to have Adam's buddy look at it, to see if he can come up with anything. The next step will probably to get a new laptop.....

I'll keep you posted....maybe....

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