Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Didja Know?????

Did you know that Saturday Night Live did a skit this past week about Sarah Palin's husband?

Did you know that the skit involved him having an incestual relationship with his daughters?

No, I'm guessing most didn't hear about it.....

Suppose that same skit had been done involving Barack Obama and his daughters???

Do you think we would have heard about it??? Oh, yeah, I'm sure it would have been all over the news.

Oh, but now wait....they would have never done something like that.

I've never cared for SNL to start with, this just inks the deal. Whether it had been about Palin or Obama. Period.


Jamie said...

OK, I'm going out on a limb here...I definately wouldn't have heard about it since I don't watch tv...I'm guessing you heard about it on talk radio or something (I'm sure it wasn't Rosie Odonnel =) ) Is it possible that nothing has been said b/c Palin hasn't said anything? Although I think the point you are making is that the media didn't pounce on it, right?

Well, we all know the media is out of control! (Hence the reason why I don't watch TV!) It is getting down right disgusting.

Michele said...

Yes, I heard it on either Limbaugh or Hannity, can't remember which...certainly didn't hear it from the mainstream media.

I suspect that had that same skit been done with Obama, the media would have been all over it. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.....

sajmom said...

I hadn't heard that one either. I sort of agree with you. I also think it just would make more sense as a joke for her than him though. A tasteless, disgusting joke but.....his girls are younger which makes it grosser somehow and her family has a rustic reputation whereas Obama is anything but. Jokes about backwoods (or southern people or rednecks in any location)people and incest go way back. People are used to that connection so it wouldn't be as shocking. Also I think a lot of jokes are emerging about Palin's husband because many perceive him to be emasculated. That aspect isn't there with Obama. I sincerly feel sorry for what Palin's husband must endure.