Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First Day, Junior Year

OK, guys, this is about the only time of the year that you get a post at 6:30 in the morning! Today is Adam's first day of school and as has been the tradition, I get up for that first day to take the annual first day of school pic. And he knew it was coming....he said, "Ok, Mom, get your pic out of the way, I gotta go!"

We thought we were gonna have a fight this year about driving, but I believe we came to an amicable agreement. He asked me the other day how often he was going to be allowed to drive to school this year....I had already given it some thought and felt that three days per week was acceptable. I was afraid he was going to want to drive every day, but he was actually ok with my suggestion. He did, however, ask if the two days that he has to take the bus, if he could then go to Erika's (more about that later) after school and I would pick him up on my way home from work. I told him I couldn't promise that.

He's gonna have a rough year, he has AP Economics, AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, Honors Physics, Honors Spanish III and English. We never recommended Alyssa take more than one AP class at a time, so this could be interesting. He can certainly do it, I just hope he applies himself. I'm hoping that Erika is a good influence on him....she's a tenth grader and has AP Calculus (with him actually) and mostly honors classes, as well.


Jamie said...

nice shoes =)

sajmom said...

That's my tradition too! (Of course you've been doing it a bit longer....) I just read a post about back to school tradditions and one parent who always took a first day of school picture got an email from her college freshman son with-a picture of him on his first day of class. Awww. She was in tears over it!
Absolutely no offense to him, but AP or not I wouldn't want his schedule! I'm impressed if he'll be able to stay awake for that.

Karen Petersen Pasquel said...

ACK!!!!!!! A Pink Foyd T-shirt!!!!!
I was such a fan years ago-it takes me back......

ADP said...

Wow! I am impressed with his schedule for this year. Rather him than me haha...