Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'll Learn

So as we were coming home from church today, Adam told us how someone at church is offering him a set of humongous speakers. Kurt's concern is where exactly he would put these big speakers. We made the mistake a number of years ago allowing him to get a full size bed in his room which is basically too small for a full size bed! He barely has room for a dresser and TV, let alone more speakers! I made the mistake of, off the cuff, saying, 'Maybe we should move your bedroom down in the basement...'

Well, guess who's downstairs in the basement, as we speak, cleaning up and putting stuff away?!!?!? To Adam, that statement was a done deal!! If it is up to him, he'll have his bed down there tonite!

I must admit, the thought is attractive to me! I hate how crowded his room looks. We could make the basement into almost a little studio apartment....there's a sofa and loveseat (not very attractive, however...) down there, plus a cheap entertainment center. Then once his room is empty, we could turn that room into a little office and get rid of all the junk at the top of our steps, which is currently a catch all for everything!

It's cool down there during the summer, so there wouldn't be a need for an air conditioner. The only concern is that it's also cool down there in the winter; but now Kurt is talking about putting a coal stove in.

I'm sure Adam will not let us forget this suggestion and will force us to make a decision very soon!

I'll keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I think that is a great idea. You will see much less of Adam, vice versa. Maybe he'll even keep it cleaner bc he'll like it more, and maybe it will make him more responsible.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a neat idea. He gains a bigger room and you get an office-I say go for it! Kee us updated on the stove idea (we're considering one too-but the kinds that taps into our gas-line)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea! I think Alyssa's right about seeing less of Adam. Sometimes I feel as if the kids are never here because they're in the basement or in their rooms. I must say it's kind of nice and the rest of the house stays clean.

Jamie said...

i think its great! i want pics when its all done!