Tuesday, August 21, 2007

CF '07

We generally have corn fritters once per summer. My mom always makes them using an old family recipe that involves grating the corn with a 'corn grater.' She bought six dozen ears of corn this morning at Wegman's, but ended up only using five dozen. It's so much work that when you make a batch, you make a lot!! They're so yummy! We ended up eating almost 3/4 of the batter that she made; the rest got made up and mom will have leftovers the rest of the week.

Mom has two corn graters; the one on the right she found at a flea market about ten years ago. The other one is much newer. She did have a grater that was my grandmother's, but it was lost when our house burned down in '83. After husking the corn, you pull the corn against the teeth in the center of the grater; it 'opens' the kernels and the juice runs in to the dish beneath. Once done grating the corn, you add flour, eggs, salt and baking powder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I made corn fritters yesterday. They were so yummy! I also dried on ebatch of corn yesterday and am in the process of starting my second batch. I do wish all these fresh veggies would be around longer than a few weeks in the summer.