Monday, August 07, 2006

We Are....

**Note: I have a few more pictures to post, but I am having difficulty uploading them onto the blog. I will continue trying to post them...check back periodically!

We traveled to State College this past week to visit Penn State. They had what they called "Spend a Summer Day" on Friday. We left on Thursday afternoon so we didn't have to leave to blasted early on Friday morning to get there by 8:30 a.m. We took back roads a portion of the way, which I always prefer over the boring 4 lane super highways! A detour was made to drive around Lock Haven University's campus. Kurt and I decided it would be wise for Alyssa to see another campus so she had something to compare Penn State to. It seemed to be about an eighth of the size of PSU!! What a difference! This carillon is on their campus. It was playing 'Be Our Guest' from Beauty and the Beast while we were there.

After we checked into our hotel and rested a bit, we got in the car for our official 'unofficial' tour with our tour guide, Mr. Geiger! As an alumni of PSU, he was sure he could provide us with all kinds of good information and show us all the hot spots. Well....wasn't he in for a rude awakening! The campus has changed so much, he didn't recognize half the buildings, couldn't find the parking lots that he used to park in because there was now a building sitting on top of the old lot and found dead ends that used to go somewhere!!

I was afraid that once we got there and Alyssa saw the size of the campus, she would change her mind, but it only strengthened her intentions. She saw classrooms, auditoriums, a dorm room, plus had the chance to talk with a jr. bioengineering student, who led the tour. And the day wouldn't be complete without some ice cream from the Creamery!! We ended the day there with dishes of their famous ice cream...Peachy Paterno (Kurt), Wicked Caramel Sundae (me and Alyssa) and Butter Pecan (Adam).

We finished our mini-vacation on Saturday by visiting with Kurt's nephew and his family. They recently relocated to State College. We had a lovely visit and a wonderful dinner. We're hoping that we get to see a WHOLE lot more of them in the future (wink, wink..)!!

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