Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Random Thoughts

**Today Jamie and I switched left-overs for lunch! I ate her home made wagon wheel 'hamburger helper' type concoction (yummy!!) and she ate my (actually Alyssa made it) pasta with chicken, asparagus, sun-dried tomatoes and marscapone cheese. We often share our different meal ideas with each other, but today we got to actually taste it!

**Kurt, Adam and I went to Adam's ninth grade orientation this evening. I don't know if it was because we've been through this before or not, but it was basically a waste of time. The principal went over a lot of stuff that we pretty much were already aware of and due to the renovations, we were only allowed to walk on the first floor of the building. The place was a zoo. We ended up leaving as soon as the presentation was over...the lobby was packed...I felt like a sardine! Adam searched and searched for his schedule before he and Kurt left the house this evening and he couldn't find it in the house anywhere. It turned out that he really didn't need it, as they didn't let the kids go upstairs or down in the basement, so they really couldn't find all their classes. We no sooner got home, he went upstairs and didn't he call down to us that he had found his schedule sitting in his room on top of his XBox games (which are right in the middle of his room...LOL!!).

**I don't mean to downplay the start of Adam's senior high years, but I was getting all choked up during his orientation as the PTA V-P was talking about the things they do for the students in the high school. Things like purchasing t-shirts for the seniors (Alyssa), sponsoring an after prom party for the seniors (Alyssa)...it was hitting me that there will be so many things that happen at school this year that will be the last time for her. It's gonna be tough going to those band concerts and orchestra concerts and Meet Your Teacher night, etc. I think there's gonna be a lot of tears shed this year. Just writing this has me teary-eyed....

**Alyssa got her hair cut earlier today. She's been suggesting that she was getting tired of it being so long. She finally realized she's had it with the long hair. Now that it's done, I think she wishes she wouldn't have gotten so much cut off! We women are never happy, are we...LOL?!?!?!? Her hair grows so fast, it'll be long again before she knows it. I think it looks really nice myself!

**Our new favorite place to eat pizza is Pappy's in Northampton. Kurt, Adam and I went there tonite after the ninth grade orientation...we had a pizza with ham and onions....it was delish!! We were actually there on Sunday night, too. I had one of the best cheesesteak sandwiches around!


Anonymous said...

Yep, I know what you mean about the tears. We took Matt to visit Penn College of Technology in Williamsport last Friday. I started tearing up as we entered the campus. I ran to the ladies room as soon as I found one so no one would notice. And Matthew is only a junior!

Jamie said...

i thought that was really cool too that we shared our leftovers! yours was really great also!

hang in there this year :-) it will be so exciting for alyssa as senior years usually are...you still have a whole year to be sad that she is going away to college...one day at a time :-)

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about tears-tears are coming from me AND my 2 little ones-& this is only the beginning!
Where's the haircut photo?