Sunday, August 27, 2006

Happy 17th Birthday Alyssa!

Alyssa had several of her friends over this evening to celebrate her 17th birthday which is tomorrow (Happy BDay, Gail...LOL!!) Most of them are friends from orchestra. Enjoy!

P.S...Adam somehow ended up joining them all...he wasn't really invited, but it all worked out OK....

They had an oreo licking contest...Holly (center) won!

Alyssa and her cake

Alyssa and her cake

Happy Birthday!


Jamie said...

i'm glad the party worked out well! that cake lookd GOOOOOOOOD!

and i was dying to find out who won the i know...seriously, i was going to ask you at work :-)

Anonymous said...

MMMMMMMMM OREAOs! Happy Birthday Alyssa! May God grant you many years of happiness!

Anonymous said...

I hope Alyssa had a great birthday. According to the photos she did. Unfortunately, I spent the day at first official day.