Saturday, April 22, 2006

All By Ourselves

Well, Alyssa is in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on the Sr. High Band Trip and Adam is in Lenhartsville (PA) on a Boy Scout camping trip working on a merit badge. She left on Thursday (see previous entry...LOL!!) and he left Friday evening. Man, is it quiet here! I don't think I like it!

Kurt has been out in the garage for the last few hours, I didn't get up 'til almost 11 and proceeded to take a cat nap this afternoon. The cats are out like a light on the love seat and I'm sitting here being lazy. Yeah, there's definitely stuff I could find here to do...but I just don't feel like doing a blessed thing!

We are going out to eat; we have reservations at the Cafe del Mar at 7 p.m. My mom gave us a gift certificate to this mediterranean restaurant for our anniversary last fall and we never used it. I was prepared to make dinner tonight, but Kurt suggested we use the gift certificate. Works for me....LOL!!

According to Alyssa, the weather wasn't the greatest today in Myrtle Beach; they had several thunderstorms, which took them off the beach and out of the hotel pool. Unfortunately, today was really their only free day without travel or competition. Due to the rain, their plans changed. They had planned on being on the beach or in the pool all day, but instead went to an Imax theater to see a movie and then were off to Dixie Stampede (no, I don't know what that is; Alyssa thinks it might be similar to Medieval Times). Tonight is their awards ceremony from the band competition they had yesterday, then it's off to bed for their 14 hour bus ride back home tomorrow.

Adam probably should not have gone camping this weekend. When I had him to the doctor earlier this week and he was put on an antibiotic for a sinus infection, the doc strongly suggested that he stay home. Well, by the end of the week, I gave in and let him go, and I am still regretting my decision. Kurt let it up to me, which to me basically meant he was letting me be the bad guy. When I got home, and saw that Adam had forgotten his antibiotic, I was really upset!!

I knew they were working on their camping merit badge and planned on climbing up a mountain and then hiking four miles. I also knew that it was supposed to rain all day. Part of the reason I gave in was because I knew it would be difficult for him to meet the requirements on his own; his other options were to take a 15 mile bike ride or rappel down a mountain (yeah, right....). Hopefully, he'll be fine after spending the day in the rain and tomorrow he'll get back on his antibiotics. Warning Adam: Next time I will be the bad guy!!


Jamie said...

OMG he forgot his antibiotic!!! figures LOL argh

Jamie said...

i feel old. kelly clarkson is younger than me. thanks birthday of the day.