Monday, October 06, 2008


So not much new on my end. My computer is still dead and I'm still not happy about it! Adam came home with the info that his buddy who is a computer geek might be able to fix it. Well, that was all Kurt needed to hear, now I am (im)patiently waiting for Adam to deliver my laptop to his friend to see if he even has the cable required to maybe look at fixing it. Fortunately Kurt has been bringing his laptop home every evening from work, so I can at least check my email once daily and look at my google reader updates, etc.

I am on vacation this week with not a whole heck of a lot to do. I roasted an almost 8 lb. chicken today with the intent of making a huge stockpot of chicken noodle soup. I already got orders from Alyssa to bring six individual sized containers when we go up Fri/Sat. to see her...two for her, two for Sarah and two for Kristin.

I have a 30% off Kohl's coupon that expires tomorrow, so I'm planning on starting some Christmas shopping.

On Wednesday, Martha and I are going to Lancaster for the day. October is a beautiful time to head down that way. In addition to the leaves changing, the Amish are out plowing in their fields.

There's no school on's an inservice day, but I'm not sure why they chose this particular day. Adam says it's a Jewish holiday...I really don't believe that is why our school district would pick it to be closed.

Then Friday after Adam gets home from school we are off to State College...woo hoo! It'll be the first time we've seen Alyssa since we delivered her to school on August 20th. As he did last year, Adam chose to wait for his birthday dinner til we are with Alyssa this special! I'm not sure where we'll end up...probably Red Lobster, Outback or Texas Roadhouse.

Before I know it, it'll be Sunday and back to work on Monday!!


Jamie said...

i'd really have a hard time without my computer...hope things work out soon! this week may fly by for you but it sure will drag at work for me! hope you have great weather for lancaster!

Sue said...

Oh my, on vacation and no computer, that sounds like a terrible week off of work, if I say so myself. Chuck is lost without his computer when the modem is on the frets. I can imagine what you are going thru, because when my computer wasn't working correctly before I got my i-mac almost 2 years ago, it was terrible. not to be able to check your email, play on pogo, or IM your friends. Now, that I have an i-mac I don't even go on IM anymore, but I live on Pogo and chat with all my friends that I have made across the country.

Hope it gets fixed soon or a decision is made for you to get another one. Good Luck, Michele.

Anonymous said...

um...ya...i told kristin and sarah about "the incident" and they aren't too keen on the soup...maybe they'll forget?

Jamie said...

oh please do share about the soup incident...

Michele said...

Uh, I'm not sure I should involves a little moose.....

Sue said...

It involves a MOOSE or MOUSE? It is hard to read the small print that google has turned our blogs into.