Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Need A Drink.

Kurt's gone. Tonite's garbage night. Yay. NOT.

The least favorite part of garbage night for both of us is the litter boxes. I usually take the opportunity to do a major cleaning job of at least one of the boxes when Kurt is away, because that is never on his mind when he does it week in and week out. One thing usually leads to another and before I know it, I've done a major 'spring cleaning' job of the litter box corner. I hate it. Period.

So I'm already hating every moment of this and what happens??? I pick up the box of litter to pour it into the litter box and the lid proceeds to rip off the box; I have the lid in my hand and the litter goes flying everywhere....on the floor, on the area rugs, in the dish of cat food, in the basket where we put the newspapers....everywhere!

And this is always our most favorite part:

We no sooner are done freshening/changing the litter....and Sassy is in one of them!



Anonymous said...

i don't think sassy appreciates that picture.

Sue said...

I have the same problem when I change the litter in my boxes too. The box is on the floor spilt of its contents/litter while I'm holding the top in my hand. When I'm done cleaning them there is one cat doing their business to make it unclean. I don't believe it doesn't stay clean for at least 30 minutes.

Jamie said...

yuck. i don't miss litter boxes.

Karen Petersen Pasquel said...

I can truly appreciate my dog!