Saturday, July 28, 2007


Somewhere along the line Frodo acquired the habit of drinking water from a paper cup in the upstairs bathroom. A certain college student in the family egged him on by filling the cup regularly for him. He's been having some issues lately, as that certain college student is not home to fill it. When I go to bed at night, he follows me upstairs, jumps up on the sink and yells at me until I fill it for him!

I've been catching Macy sleeping on Alyssa's bed up near her's so cute! Last night I took my camera up to bed hoping to catch her there so I could take a picture. Of course, she wasn't there! Instead, she was in her favorite chair in her room. You can see it is indeed her favorite chair 'cuz it has her hair all over it!! Note in the second picture, she must have had an altercation with another cat (Frodo I'm guessing)...she has a little boo-boo! It's OK though, G'ama kissed it!


sajmom said...

I think that's cute that the cat drinks out of a cup(but only in the bathroom?). It can't use the toilet like the cat in Meet the Fockers can it?

Michele said...

Well, he drinks out of a regular water dish in the kitchen, as do the other cats. And no, I wish he would use the toilet! He has an issue using the litter box in the laundry room for #2...uses a small rug alongside the litter box. We tolerate that, but if he starts peeing outside the litter box, he's 'outta here...LOL!

Anonymous said...

you cant get rid of fudds just cause of that little problem...

Michele said...

We got rid of you for that little problem, so I don't see why we wouldn't get rid of a cat for the same reason!! Teasing....

ADP said...

lol, how funny you guys are! What cute pics of the cat and that's so sweet that he misses Alyssa