Sunday, January 14, 2007

Free Afternoon

I had a $75 gift certificate to the Lehigh Valley Mall that I got back in April for Secretary's Day at work (Don't ask!). I rarely go to the Lehigh Valley Mall, thus the reason I still had the GC. I've had a certain person I know offer to take it off my hands, but I knew there would come a time that it would come to good use.

Today was that time! Alyssa and I headed to the mall this morning after church. All of our purchases, plus our lunch, were covered by the GC. She got a pair of sneaks at Payless and the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelly (for her English class, it wasn't her choice of reading material!!). I got 6 new washcloths at JCPenney's and three shower gels at Bath and Body Works. Plus we had a nice lunch at Pasta Bella (It's our new favorite Olive Garden...LOL!!).

I think we had some change to spare besides! Plus we got in some daughter-mom bonding time, which is worth more than any old gift certificate!

Brief update on Adam: There was no snow (surprise!), but he said they had a good time, nonetheless. There were 47 teams that competed in events. His troop was broken down into two teams. The team Adam was on finished in 24th place out of 47. The other team in his troop finished 47th! They competed in such events as knot tying, first aid, compass reading, ax chopping, sled races, etc.

1 comment:

sajmom said...

I'm fighting the urge to ask about Secretary's day, but alright, I won't!
That sounds like fun. I'm hoping to have a good relationship with my daughter and still be able to do stuff like that with her when she's a teenager. Maybe you could reflect on how you managed to raise two good kids in a future post?
Frankenstein's not bad, I thought it was interesting to see how different the actual book is from legend/horror movies. But then I have a degree in English lit. so my tastes my not be normal.