Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Amazon Rocks

Amazon announced yesterday that they are dropping the price of the Kindle by $40. I wondered if they had any sort of policy like many other places do that if the price drops within a certain period of time you could get a refund. I went to my Kindle site and found several discussions regarding the price drop and it seemed as though if you contacted Amazon with 30 days of the item being shipped they would refund the money. My Kindle shipped on 4/30/08, so I knew I was right on the edge, so I didn't want to mess around! I called Customer Service and spoke with a lovely woman named Kate and within two minutes she confirmed that we would receive a $40 credit on our next credit card statement. Amazon rocks!

(So does Blogger, by the electricity went off for two hours just as I was finishing this post, and I hadn't saved it. Good 'ole Blogger and its autosave feature saved the day...I was dreading the thought of having to re-do this post, and here it was all here ready and waiting for me to finish! Woo-hoo! I know, I'm pathetic!!)

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