Sunday, April 13, 2008


Kurt, Adam and I went shopping this afternoon....yes, you read that correctly...Kurt went shopping with us! We also had a very nice lunch at Lone Star Steakhouse, which was lots of fun. All that was missing was Alyssa to make it perfect! Adam is being confirmed on May 11th and needs to have a nice outfit for the occasion. The pastors generally ask that the guys have either a suit or at least a sports coat with nice pants for the service. I believe the last time he had a sports coat was for a wedding of one his cousin's and he was probably about 7 or 8! Well, it was quite the adventure at JCPenney's trying to find the appropriate size! I didn't pull any punches once we got there; I went right up to one of the customer associates and said he needs a jacket, and I have no clue what size he needs! Turned out he's a 54 long....and they didn't have a ton of them to choose from! And whether or not, he was convinced he wanted a black jacket, black pants and a black shirt....I was like....NO WAY!! We had a very cool woman helping us and she convinced him that that would not look so good! He finally agreed to charcoal gray pants, which were cuffed on top of it! And the only size 18, 37-38 shirt they had that went with black and gray was white, which worked for me (I was hoping for a pink shirt, but noooooooo, he didn't want to have anything to do with that....LOL!!). He picked out a nice gray, black and white tie to go with it. Now we need to just get him a pair of boats, er, I mean shoes to go with his new outfit.

With the jacket and pants on

Dad, can you button that little button on my neck...I can't get it!

Would you stop it with that stupid camera?!?!?!

I guess I'm glad I tried this, so I know never to get Bubble Tea was disgusting! And those tapioca pearls at the bottom??? Yuck!


Jamie said...

LOL that pic with adam's hand is so funny!!

that drink looks as gross as it sounds!

Michele said...

Yeah, don't tell Kurt....I threw over half of it away! Fortunately I only got a small...which was a whopping $3.55!!

Anonymous said...

mom...boba tea is japanese...enough said. (boba is another name for it)

Sue said...

I agree with Jamie that drink looks yuckie. What a handsome young man your son is. I'm glad he made a wise decision on the color scheme, with the help of a very wise young woman. Why do young people listen to other young people but not to us, even if we said the same thing. Clothing wise I'm talking about.