Tuesday, October 02, 2007



Mr. Adam passed his car permit test today! Please pray for me (and those on the road...LOL)!! Fortunately, for me, he failed the motorcycle test....I told Kurt it was an answer to prayer! He can repeat it at any time, so I'm sure he'll be bugging us on a regular basis to go back.

I took him out for about a half hour this evening, and he did fairly well. I felt as though he had a better idea as to how to handle the car than Alyssa did when she first got in the car, but I also had to ask him numerous times to slow down going around those corners. He's watched too many Indy races, I believe! He drove a portion of the way home this afternoon from the driver's license center in Kurt's Audi, which is stick. Tonite when I took him out, we used Alyssa's car (sorry...'Lyss....). He said he'd prefer the automatic for now.....


Anonymous said...

OH NOOOOOOOOO!!!:) I know what you mean about those fast curves. I still think I have a brake on the passenger side.

Anonymous said...

Oh My! Hopefully he'll be very responsible.... and careful... and safe!

Anonymous said...

You should check out todays (WEd) comic strip "Zits" -quite funny and totally on your topic!