Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fall Foliage (!!) Run II

The past couple of years that I have wanted to drive through the Poconos to see the fall leaves, I was met with grumbling from the kids. That's boring....I don't want to do that....Must we?!?!?

This year, the tables are turned! I got home from church this morning, and Adam immediately accosted me saying, "What are you doing this afternoon?" I informed him that I had a chicken to cook, so I could make chicken/corn noodle soup. would have thought I cut his leg off! "I want us to drive up through the Poconos to see the leaves!" Now you need to understand, his only reason for wanting to do this, was so HE could drive. And when you see the following pics of the beautiful leaves, you'll understand the drive was not to see the foliage...LOL!!

It's not a fall foliage run without driving up to the top of Camelback Ski Area. I have a bad cold and opted to stay in the car when we got up there, as it's usually much colder up there then down below. It must have been cold enough, because Kurt and Adam came back within about ten minutes.

If you enlarge the picture, and look to the far right, the knob is actually part of the Catskills in NY (I added a blue plus sign just above the area I am referring to)

Camelback mountainside

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