Saturday, December 23, 2006

Stay Tuned

My AC adaptor on my six month old Dell computer has died. It's been working on and off for several weeks now, more on than off, so I wasn't sure if there was indeed a problem. Well, tonite it totally crapped out, so I am forced to use my old laptop. Fortunately, the computer is still under warranty. I spent about an hour trying to connect to Dell's live chat, but when I finally did, they are sending me out a new adaptor at no charge. Heaven only knows why it crapped out after only six months.

Anyway, the point of this entry is to say that I may not post pictures until I get the new adaptor. I was just ready to post the picture of Jamie's beautiful cross stitch that she did for her mom's 50th birthday. I have had a picture of it for weeks, but didn't want to post the picture until after her mom's birthday, just in case she would look at my blog. I didn't want to ruin the surprise. I realized just as I was ready to begin that the picture is on the other computer!!

I expect the new adaptor by Wednesday/Thursday next week at the latest.

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