Friday, May 22, 2009

Birthday Blast!

So all I knew was that I was to take my birthday off, and we needed to be at Martha's house by 9 am on Wednesday. When we got there, Mom and Martha, with Alyssa, were waiting to wisk me away for a wonderful trip to Lancaster County for the day! It was a wonderful day!

Heading out, on phone with Jamie:

I'm sooo excited!!


Look where we are....SHADY MAPLE!!


Me and Martha

Jon and Kate stood right here!!

And Jon has this t-shirt!

Alyssa, Kristin and Sarah

Being funny!


Gift from Mom

One of my 'Taste of Lancaster' gifts from Sarah and Kristin
(More to come on that...)

Out in the beautiful weather

Me and Kristin

One of our favorite views!

Mule Crossing

Sarah hard at work! (Or not.)

Getting ready to work (the team, that is...)

Mom and her gal

Me and Bess

No, Alyssa you ride horses....not cows...LOL!!

Don't even ask.


Workin' the fields


Just put the plastic bag in the pitcher, snip off the corner of the bag, and...

Pour away...

A few other gifts


Jamie said...

great pics!! sorry i couldn't be there but at least i could be there on the phone LOL we won't mention that you were talking to me about work on your bday!! talk to you in a few days! =)

Sue said...

I really love Lancaster and I miss going there with my girlfriend, Marlo. We used to have so much fun and spend so much money, LOL.

My wooden chest in my living room came from there 11 years from an Amish Craft Store. I just love it. I also, got a rack to dry clothes on that is in my attic. I used that a lot way back then. I will never give that away. My son Bill keeps trying, but I won't. It is so thick and sturdy. You can't find anything like that around here, only in Amish country, can you find such good craftsmanship.

I'm so glad you had a very wonderful 50th birthday to treasure for years to come. Again, Happy Birthday. You really deserve it.

sajmom said...

I love the bottom picture, just very pretty, the strawberries look YUMMY! Happy Belated Birthday!