Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Adam will celebrate his sixteenth birthday on Sunday (please pray for me....LOL!!). Our tradition with the kids has been to allow them to choose a restaurant and we all go out to celebrate their birthday. He told me about a week ago that he would like to go to Red Lobster for their never-ending shrimp feast. I was fine with that; that's where Alyssa chose for her birthday in August (although she did try to get us to allow her to choose The Blue...LOL!)

Last night he said that he still wanted to eat at Red Lobster, but had decided he would like to go to a different one than the one by the Lehigh Valley Mall. He said it was a little bit of a drive, but he likes the ambience and service better at this other one. He feels the food is even better at this other Red Lobster. I had a feeling I knew where he was going with this.....

I said, "You're not suggesting the Red Lobster about three hours away from here are you, per chance?!?!" He said, "Well, it's on this road called Atherton...."

Atherton Rd. is in State College....he wants his sister to be there at his birthday makes me want to cry....

It's amazing to me how much closer they seem to be now that Alyssa is gone. It's a darn shame this couldn't have happened sooner.....


Anonymous said...

Aaawwwwww! That's so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Adam!