Thursday, February 15, 2007


These are the flowers Kurt gave me for Valentine's Day. Aren't they pretty? He got them at BJ's. I have no clue why this picture is isn't in my picture folder. Sorry!

This is Adam snowblowing the driveway yesterday. I think he tried everything and anything to get out of doing it!! He tried to hook up a small plow to his 4 wheeler, so he could ride instead of walk! With the snow being so heavy, it wasn't too effective!

Frodo (in the orange) was laying on the love seat just minding his own business, when Sassy jumped up to lay down. The love seat is one of her favorite places to hang out. Well, this didn't sit well with Frodo...I could tell he was on the verge of attacking her!

After staring at Sassy for about five minutes, and eventually not doing anything, Frodo finally settled down for his nap. Aren't they cute?!?!?

What to do on a snow day! Catch up on that sleep!!

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