Sunday, May 21, 2006

On Birthdays...

I had the pleasure of celebrating my 47th birthday on Saturday the 20th. It's funny as you get older, the less you want to celebrate it! My day started out by cleaning the toilet and my closet (hot time, huh?!?!?), but later in the day we had a pleasant unexpected surprise from Kurt's brother and his wife (Lyle and Miget). In the evening, Kurt, Alyssa and I went to Steak and Ale for dinner and had a lovely time. Adam was gone for the weekend; he was camping at Kutztown University with scouts. As I opened my birthday card from Kurt, a little clipping from a flyer fell out with a picture of a Dell computer on it! I have been having mega issues with my laptop, so a new computer will be wonderful!!

Last year my mom gave me a booklet of things that happened in 1959, which was the year I was born. I thought I would share a few interesting tidbits:

Sleeping Beauty was released on January 29, 1959

The average cost of a house was $14,239

The average cost of a gallon of gasoline was 31 cents per gallon

A quart of milk, delivered to homes, cost 25 cents

American smokers were paying an average of 24 cents per pack of cigarettes

Food shoppers across America could go to their local supermarkets and purchase one dozen large grade A eggs for 53 cents

The United States Postal Service was charging 4 cents to mail a letter anywhere within the U.S.

President Eisenhower proclaimed Hawaii as the 50th state on August 21, 1959. He also introduced a new 50 star American flag which would become official on July 4, 1960

CBS premiered two new comedies, The Many Lives of Dobie Gillis on September 29 and Dennis the Menace on October 4, 1959

Marie Osmond was born on October 4, 1959

The Broadway musical based on the early life of the singing Von Trapp Family, The Sound of Music, opened in NYC on November 16, 1959

A U.S. Commerce Department report indicates that the average U.S. family income in 1959 was $6,520

Time Magazine chose Dwight D. Eisenhower as Man of the Year

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and may you have many more wonderful years!