Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Day!

We had an early start to the day. Here we are at the Easter breakfast at church at about 7 am:

Dinner was at Chris and Fiona's house; here's a pic of the table that Alyssa and Chris set:

Kieran made the place cards (Great Job!)
Donnalee made the fruit salad

Me cooking (candid, unplanned shot, BTW!!)

All of us (minus Grandma, Jim & Donnalee....more on that later...)


Colm on his daddy's lap

Adorable shot of Colm with Adam and Erika

Conor and Kieran at the computer

Playing Wii (Adam finally found a hat that fits...LOL)

Alyssa and Colm playing

All three kids at the computer

Our Easter didn't turn out quite as it had been planned. I offered to make dinner at Chris and Fiona's as Fiona was away on business (we missed you, btw!). We no sooner got there when we had to call 911 for Grandma. She wasn't feeling well, had a fever of 104 degrees and was eventually diagnosed with pneumonia and bacteremia. Jim and Donnalee left shortly after the ambulance left to meet her in the ER, and then followed her to her room once they had one assigned to her. So unfortunately, we had three less attendees at Easter Dinner. Donnalee kept us updated as the day wore on, but were unable to return for dinner. We missed them all and send our prayers to Grandma for a speedy recovery!

1 comment:

sajmom said...

I hope everything's ok with her, I know what it's like to have a grandmother in the hospital on holidays and during family celebrations.