Saturday, August 23, 2008


So Alyssa says that they have a bat in their hallway now for the second night in a row. I am soooo glad I am here and not there! I am petrified of them! She says the RA's are trying to get rid of it...but in mean time, they have their legs crossed waiting to go to the bathroom!

She also mentioned that their cable is out.

And one of her friends in another hall has no electricity.

What is it that we are paying for?!?!!? Oh, yeah, that's right....a closet!! LOL!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

john got called out to lehigh university thursday...their first day in the dorms (actually, i think it was a frat house) and there was no hot water! the company john works for does a lot of stuff there and i wonder how many calls he'll get throughout the school year just from them!