Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mad Scientist


Here's Adam's latest craze! He's always intrigued by chemical reactions. This one involves The Works (a toilet bowl cleaner) and aluminum foil in a 20 oz. soda bottle. You should see a two liter bottle explode!

He went into the Dollar Store a few days ago and bought four bottles of the toilet bowl cleaner. The guy at the check-out said, 'You must be doing a lot of cleaning!' Adam looked at him and said, 'Uh, yeah...' The guy then proceeded to say, 'You know, that stuff works well to make bombs!' Adam just smiled......

(Note the laughter after the bottle explodes! )


Anonymous said...

i showed this to kristen and she was so interested in it...she would like to know the exact amounts of everything to put in so she can tell her brother so he will think she's cool. word.

sajmom said...

Mr. Wizzard's chuckle at the end was funny. Why didn't we do experiments like that in science class?

Jamie said...

warning: do not watch this video when your child just fell asleep and your volume is on!