Thursday, December 27, 2007

Like Family

Renee and I were besties growing up. She and her family live in another state now, but often times come to PA to visit family over the holidays. They spent several hours with us today. It was great catching up. With some people, you can see them once a year and it's like you were never away from them....Renee and I are like that!

Me and Renee

Josh (almost 14), Adam (16) & Alyssa (18)

(Adam couldn't understand why I would want to take pics in front of the Christmas tree...said you wouldn't be able to see the tree anyways...and he was right...LOL!!)

Macy 'hiding' under stool
(OK, random picture, but didn't have anywhere else to put it!)


Sue said...

Michele, how do you get the counter on the blog? My hubby Chuck tried to help me but we are confused. Can you please help us?

My email addy is I don't have yours to email you about it sorry.

Anonymous said...

i love your'd ya get so lucky?