Friday, April 06, 2007

Blithering Idiot

I had planned on making a nice supper tonite, but ended up working longer than I expected and then I had to go to Wegman's to do my grocery shopping. So I decided to postpone the nice dinner until tomorrow night and just bought pre-made items at the grocery store.

I got some potato salad, a penne/sundried tomato pasta salad and some pork BBQ. It never hit me that the label on the BBQ might be a hint of what was to come! It was labeled Blithering Idiot Pulled Pork BBQ.

I thought, hmmm, what an odd name for BBQ....well, I was the blithering idiot!! On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the spiciest, it was oh, I'd say about a 10 and a half!!! The first bite was very tolerable, I thought, this isn't too bad! Well, I got to bites two through ten and was dying by the end!! Adam had to pour himself a glass of milk to drink with it.

Blithering idiot......


ADP said...

That is funny lol. Guess you won't be buying that BBQ again.....

Jamie said...

i would have ended up in the ER seeing how i can't eat doritos b/c they're too spicy!

Jamie said...

p.s. i filed that one with "michele and car washes" :-)