Saturday, November 11, 2006

This and That....

*One word....RAIN....

*We did one of our first LASTS this past weekend. It was senior night at the football game. All the senior football players, band members and cheerleaders were honored. Since this is the first year Alyssa has participated in part time marching band, it wasn't quite as emotional for me. Alyssa kept looking at me asking, "Are you crying yet?!?!?" I think if she had participated in marching band throughout high school, it would have been more sentimental.

*Many of you know my mom had a total hip replacement three weeks ago. She did well, and after a week of rehab, she went home. After just a week of being home, she landed back in the hospital with a displaced fracture of her femur (thigh bone). Everyone has asked, "What did she do wrong??" Well, it seems like she did nothing wrong. She doesn't remember stumbling, tripping, twisting incorrectly, etc. On Monday, she went back to the OR and had a left hip revision and her femur wired together. She's pretty much starting all over again. She spent this whole week in the hospital and was transferred today to rehab. The only difference this time as opposed to last time (two weeks ago), is that she'll be coming to stay with us for a while. Also, where she could put as much weight as tolerated on her affected leg, now she can't put any weight on it. This is because in addition to having a hip replacement that needs to heal, she also has a fracture that needs to heal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please send your Mom my regards and may God speed her healing! She can always call me if she needs anything! I'm in the book!