Mom finally came home late today after her second hospitalization in three weeks. She is going to be spending a few weeks with us....actually more than just a few weeks, I guess. We now have a bed in our kitchen! And a television, and a shower chair, and a wicker chair, and a walker, and a television stand, and a bedside stand, and a few suitcases....and so on, and so on, and so on!! It'll be a challenge for a while, but we'll all get through it, I'm sure. She's just thrilled to be home!
My best to gram! May your recovery be swift!
Louise... great pic of u and the kiddies all snuggled in ur bed. LOL. Where was that man that was lurking around our halls in TSU around Halloween? Missed u on saturday to say bye for the 2nd time from TSU. Hope all goes well. U have a good family. Guess the apples do not fall far from the tree. Alrighty then... you take care and enjoy the Holidays with your family... remember good things take time... heal well. Sincerely, Carol G, R.N. (real nut)
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