Saturday, June 03, 2006

Weather Schmeather!

Forget about meteorologists!! Forget about Accu-Weather!! Just give us a call and ask if Adam has any scout camping trips coming up. We can assure you almost 100% that if he does, there will be rain, snow, wind, thunder +/or lightning!! He has had three camping trips since the start of 2006, and there has been nasty weather each time.

Snowbound- This trip is held in January/February up in the Poconos. OK, OK, I're asking for bad weather that time of the year! This year the weather was soooo bad, all the troops were asked to leave on Saturday. Very high winds were expected, there are quite a few old trees and they feared that the wind would blow many of them down. Unfortunately, there was not enough transportation to bring everyone from Adam's troop home early, so they ended up staying until Sunday. Fortunately, the scouts that did end up staying were instructed to sleep in the mess hall.

Lenhartsville- They went on this camping trip in April to work on a hiking merit badge. We hadn't had rain for months, there were burning bans just about everywhere, some communities were asking people to conserve water use. I don't know why they just didn't call Adam's scoutmaster and ask them to plan a camping trip!! They had so much rain this particular weekend that there were flash flood warnings!! The kids got soaked. They actually took them to Cabela's Saturday afternoon so the kids would have a chance to dry out!

Klecknersville- The troop is here this weekend to work on merit badges. There are 8 or 10 troops camping with them. D'ya remember what the weather was like last evening? Earlier today?? That's Adam in the picture on the right, with the white sneakers.

Have I made my point?!?!?! I'll tell you all now that he leaves Sunday, June 18th for Boy Scout camp for the week!! You can't say I didn't warn you...LOL!!


KT said...

anything scheduled June 24th?

Michele said...

Well, that is the day that he comes I can't make any promises!!! This week is also our week of VBS at church and it's being held outside, so that just doubles the chance of rain...LOL!