Saturday, September 08, 2012

Saturday Night Boredom

Macaroni salad made by Moi for tomorrow's church picnic:

Brownie cupcakes made my Mini Moi for church picnic tomorrow:

Our old gal, Sassy:

Our bum, Frodo Dodo:


Sue said...

How do you make your macaroni salad? Also, how old are your kitties now? They are just so cute and I love to hear about their antics.

Michele said...

Sassy, our oldest, is 19.
Frodo is 17.
Macy Moose is 10.

Seems hard to believe they are that old!

I throw in whatever I want as far as the macaroni salad goes and then have a dressing I use with mayo, vinegar, oil and sugar. I can publish the dressing and ingredients if you're really interested in it :)

Sue said...

Yes, please do! I am always looking for different ways to make a macaroni & salad dish.

At church we are preparing a covered dish for our Christmas Trim-A-Tree and I thought that would go well with hot dogs. Mine is too boring.