The private golf course that opened near our house several years ago has an annual 4th of July gala which concludes with 30 minutes of fireworks each year. This is the first time we made it a point to drive our car out the end of our road to see them. I decided I wanted to see how my new camera worked taking pics of them. We went about 30 minutes early to get a good spot, so I took that opportunity to read my instruction manual for pointers. I didn't learn too much from the book, but did play around with the camera while we were waiting. I used two different settings; the 'fireworks' setting (appropriate, huh?!?!) and the 'shoot and select' setting, which is the one where you just hold the button down and the camera takes pics in rapid succession. I didn't care for that setting once I tried it with the real thing. I quickly changed back to the 'fireworks' setting. Enjoy! (And be thankful, I took 91 pictures, but am only subjecting you to 10!!)
cool! was the last one part of the finale?
Beautiful-I took some fireworks pictures too, but they didn't come out too well. These are really nice!
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