Today begins Adam's final week ever at Bear Creek Camp (our Lutheran church camp). He's gone to camp every year since about 3rd grade (except the summer of 6th grade, when he broke his leg). He looks so forward to it every summer. Last year, he met Erika there! (For you mathmetical folks out there, yes, it'll be a year soon that they have been BF/GF....LOL!!)
It was an absolutely beautiful drive up the turnpike. We had the windows down, the sun roof open and the music blaring! Pastor Stover said the first two weeks of camp have not been the greatest weather wise. Reports this week are promising. Adam's group has a three night 'overnight' as they call it. That means they leave tomorrow, hike up to the top of Bald Mountain, take all their food and camping supplies for three days and hike out in the wilderness. They'll return on Thursday, just in time for the camp dance that evening.
This year should prove interesting, as there are 12 gals and only 3 guys (that includes Adam and Erika and Erika's BFF Brandi). His counselor is from New cool is that?!?!!?
Scenery on the turnpike
Pic taken pointing straight up out of the sun roof
That's our exit!
Entrance to camp
Another sign
Look at all that dust following us! I took that pic in the rear view mirror...LOL.
Goofy sign #1
Goofy sign #2
Lice check!
Adam, Erika and Brandi (notice how they all have the same color shirt on...that was not planned...LOL!!)
Adam and Erika
Adam and his counselor Warrick who is from New Zealand
I really like goofy sign #2 -Long live the Lorax!
On another note-WOW! Adam has really grown up! I remember a little boy, not happy at having to enter (snicker) a dance studio to pick -up his sister! course I think it may have only happened a few times!
i love the mirror pic! don't even get me thinking about sons growing up!!!
Those pix and comments really want to make a Nani cry!!!!!!! Never Bear Creek again!!!!!! Boo hoo!
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