#1- There was a little incident last evening with a blocked toilet in a certain someone's room. There was an attempt made at unblocking it, but in the process, the toilet overflowed. As a result, their room had to be changed. This is the hotel, remember, that is regularly like $200 per night, that they gave us for $45/night....and now we've broken one toilet and created a flood!!
#2- You know how we went to Charlie Brown's last night for late night appetizers??? Well, one woman chose to have this tuna appetizer that was served rare. (Yes, I know that's how you are supposed to eat tuna...) Well, not sure if it was from that or not, but she began vomiting about 1 a.m. this morning and once the vomiting stopped after several hours, the diarrhea began. She didn't make it to any of the sessions today, and we stopped on our way home this evening (at 10:30 p.m....thank goodness we found the Walgreens and they are open 24 hours...LOL!!) to get her Immodium. We're all hoping that she is better by morning so she can join us for at least part of the conference.
#3- Getting back to that Walgreens' run late this evening.....I asked one of the security guards at the Izod Center as we were leaving if he knew where there was a drug store we could get medications (figured I didn't need to go into detail...LOL!!). Well, wouldn't you know it, the Walgreens was down the street from the Charlie Brown's we ate at last night and tonight! So with me serving as navigator for Nancy (and believe me, she needs one...LOL!!), we drove what seemed like forever past the restaurant. We eventually came to a back up of cars, noticing a road sign in the middle of the street, which as we got closer, said NO TURNS, PROCEED TO THE CHECKPOINT!! Here we were in the middle of a DUI checkpoint! Well, that wouldn't be such a big deal, except we had EIGHT people in a seven passenger minivan!! Well, you should have heard eight women talking at once, trying to figure out what the heck to do!! Our eighth person, fortunately, was petite, so she squatted in between the two captain's chairs in the middle row, as if there was a seat there! We nervously approached the police officer with his flashlight.....he looked inside, handed us a placard and explained that they were doing a DUI enforcement! I guess he took one look at us and figured there was no way we were drunk!! It was then that Nancy proceeded to ask him if he knew where the Walgreens was?!?!!?!? He affirmed we were headed in the right direction and allowed us to move ahead. Now, guess, which way we had to come home??? Right thru the DUI check point, but from the opposite direction!! We waved to the officer and showed him our placard...he said we only get one per night, and could move on!!
#4- Hmmm...what's next?!?!?!
LOL i have to say that i'm pretty amazed the police officer didn't notice someone squatting on the floor! LOL
Memories...You're making memories!!!!
I'm with Gail-wonderful stories to tell. It's an adventure. I'm beginning to learn that that is how you have to regard so much in life-just another adventure! Who would guess that the women of faith would have a DUI checkpoint story to tell?!
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