Friday, May 04, 2007


Alyssa received a letter today in the mail stating that she had won the Bryfogle Memorial Scholarship Award. It's a $200 award, but she can't claim it until after her first semester and they receive her transcript. That'll put a dent in one semester's books. Congrats!


Jamie said...

thats great! and hopefully this is a sign that she will get other scholarships as well!

sajmom said...

Congrats to Alyssa! Books aren't cheap! What is she looking to major in?

Anonymous said...

I am going to major in secondary education, focusing in math and spanish.

Anonymous said...

YEAH! Congratulations! Is this award from the Bryfogle foundation? If so -I know the family! The daughter originally went to the school where I'm at now. Congrats-you're on your way!

Michele said...

I don't think so; this is a couple (who I believe are deceased) from Lehigh Township (where we live) who donated quite a bit to the township. The ball fields are named after them.