Friday, March 16, 2007


This evening after supper, I was standing at the sink doing the dishes. Alyssa and Adam were standing about five feet away from me. All of a sudden Alyssa was yelling at Adam to "Turn it off!" He was snickering, she was yelling, and I'm just standing there clueless, because I have no idea what is going on! I didn't hear a thing; I thought Alyssa was going nuts!

Next thing Adam pulls out his cell phone and asks me if I can hear it ringing. I'm like, "No, what are you talking about?!?!?" I'm looking at his phone; I didn't hear a thing! All this time, Alyssa continues to yell at him to turn it off.

Man, was I confused!

Here there is a ringtone that is at a decibel level that older people can't hear it. I only heard it when he put it right up next to my ear; then it was really annoying, no wonder Alyssa was yelling at him!

I actually had heard about this several months ago; kids use it at school so they can keep their phones on and the teachers can't hear it ringing (My children don't do that however, I'm sure! Well, at least Alyssa doesn't....)

It was kind of depressing; up until this point, I really hadn't considered myself old, but I guess this confirmed it...LOL!

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