Wow! It'll be 26 years in August since Monica and I met in nursing school. Midway through our first year in nursing school we became roommates and the rest is history! We had so many good times during school and afterwards, as well, when we shared a townhouse in Emmaus. There was the trip to the Bahamas when we pretty much ran out of money the second day we were there, the vacation to Hawaii where we got soooo sunburned that we were both miserable and last, but not least, the trip to California with Monica's sister. During that vacation we decided to take the bus to Tijuana, Mexico for a day trip...well...let me tell YOU...
big mistake!! We got into the Tijuana bus terminal, saw all these shady characters, were petrified, and proceeded to get right back on the bus for the trip back to San Diego! We still laugh about that trip!
We got engaged within six months of each other, got married within six months of each other, had our first child within six months of each other and had our second child within six months of each other!! When the kids were younger, we spent quite a bit of time together. As they all have grown and each developed different interests, we have kind of grown apart. Now between our jobs, family responsibilities and running our kids in all different directions, we're lucky if we talk once every few months.
Even though I hardly get to see Monica, she is still always in my thoughts. And I know we would be there for each other if there was a crisis in either of our families. That's what friends are for......