Adam and I took a road trip to Nazareth late this morning in the truck with the snowblower secured in the back to open mom's driveway up. In addition, since Jamie and John with kids in tow are enjoying the balmy Florida weather this week, they needed to have their walks shoveled and car dug out and cleaned off.
We left around 11 am and encountered some pretty snowy, drifted roads:
Thank goodness for the snowblower....anyone having to shovel that driveway would have been there forever! It's good to know, for the future, that it wasn't that difficult to get it in the back of the truck.
Mom's lovely neighbor beneath her had someone shovel her car out; the &$!%* idiot shoveled ALL the snow on the top of her driveway!! So on top of the 10-12 inches already there the goofball added to it! None of us were happy about that!
As we were driving into town, Adam says, "I never see garbage trucks collecting garbage in Nazareth...I wonder when they do it?" I responded, suggesting they most likely do it in the middle of the night, which would be why he never sees them. Ironically, when we had to go around the block and went up the alley by mom's house....what did we get behind?!?! And couldn't pass?!?!!? The garbage truck!
This is the view looking towards Broad St. That's Jamie's porch to the right. Adam's off in the distance closing up the back of the truck to move it from where he parked it momentarily to get the snow blower off the back. (Notice the new parking meter IN FRONT of Jamie and John's house...everyone on the street is very unhappy that they have added three meters on the street...all because the jeweler at the end of the street complained that her customers have no where to park. It apparently doesn't matter that they have now placed them in a residential area of town. And it's not so nice for Jamie who now can not park by her house.)
Starting to open the driveway:
Note mom sticking her head out the door:
See how deep the snow was?!!?
Cici was waiting to say hello when we came in to take a break:
And to have lunch:
They were still cleaning up the snow on our way home!
I talked to John today. I asked him where his car was, because when I came down Main St. I had to go by their house, because the rest of Main St around the circle was closed, dues the them removing the snow from that block. He said it was at the neighbors. Was that your mom he was referring to, as neighbor?
I couldn't believe what I saw with all the snow put in front of their house.
That lady under your mom isn't the nicest person to not have consideration for other people. She sure wouldn't have liked it if she found her car or sidewalk all full of snow, like she put in other people's sidewalk or parking place.
I was glad Jamie's car wasn't parked on the street during that storm. Is that a snow emergency route?
Where I babysit on Main St. that is a snow emergency on odd days, which I don't understand what they mean by odd or even days.
You really captured the snow drift roads very well with your camera. I want to get a small camera that I too can carry in my purse to snap pictures, when I want to at the moment.
Their car is at Mom's friend's house in his driveway which is just up the street closer to the circle. I'm not sure where they will end up being able to park when they get home tomorrow, though. I've been fretting about it all night. Now that those stupid parking meters are in, there's less place to park and with all the mounds of snow, there's even less place to park.
I don't think their street is a snow emergency route. I'm pretty sure Broad St. is, which is the street at the light by their house.
I think the odd and even has something to do with what days you can park on the snow emergency route.
Are those parking meters have their guts inside now? Because when Chuck and I were up there the last time they were empty, or gutless.
Residents should get a sign to be placed in their car to hang from the mirror to show the law enforcement that they live there. When I was a metermaid around Easton Hospital that's what the borough did, so they could park in front of their house, when the space was open. Also, they do that on the 2hr parking zones on Fairview & Ferry Sts. around the hospital. If they didn't have them zones all the employees would park on their streets all day and the residents wouldn't be able to park where they live. I feel sorry for people that live on streets with parking meters and you have to move your car every so often or get a ticket. It's not fair.
Where my son Tom lives, in Allentown, if he doesn't move his car for the street sweeper every other day he gets a ticket. They clean those streets a lot in Allentown, but I guess he must be safe in winter time with the snow on the ground.
Yep the meters have been working for about two weeks now. When this stupidity all started about a year ago, Jamie called the borough right away looking to get a permit to park, and they said they don't do that. They've really screwed things up royally now, all because of one woman's complaints.
Actually it's not quite that bad-street cleaning is only on Mondays for three hours, April-November. Though for a year they made it year round before switching back.
we missed all of it. Florida was NICE!
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