Sunday, September 25, 2005

Busy, Busy, Busy!

It's been a busy two weeks in the Geiger household. OK..... when isn't it a busy week in the Geiger household?!?!?!? Last Friday and Saturday, Alyssa and I had the opportunity to go to the Women of Faith conference in Philadelphia, PA. It was a great two days of worshiping, singing and praising God with 19,000 of our closest women friends! If any of you women out there ever have the chance to get tickets to go, I highly recommend it. This weekend, Alyssa and I spent a couple of days at Bear Creek Camp, our Lutheran church camp, near Wilkes Barre. Our husband and wife pastors take the first year catechetical class there every September. This year's class is quite small, so they needed some extra youth to accompany them in order to have enough people to do their group building activities. Alyssa volunteered to go. To top it off, they ask adults to accompany them to do the cooking. This time no one volunteered. Another friend and I offered to go Friday night, sleep there and do the cooking on Saturday. It was a lot of fun! We made pancakes and sausage for breakfast, BBQ hot dogs and soup for lunch and the big hit of the day....chicken tarragon with rice, corn and tossed salad. We both enjoyed our time with the youth!

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