Saturday, February 01, 2014

Tortellini Soup....aka Macaroni & Cheese Soup

I found this recipe on Facebook. It looked easy enough to make, so thought I'd give it a try. It really tasted like macaroni and cheese to me.  We enjoyed it; I'd probably make it again. It certainly was easy!

On a side note, I bought a new crock pot on Wednesday; my current one has seen its better day and most recently the on/off knob broke off.  Of course, Kurt told me he could fix it, but I'd really been thinking about getting a new one anyway.  Wouldn't you know it, the new one doesn't work!  I was kind of embarrassed to tell Kurt, he wasn't too thrilled with me for buying a new one to start with (I think it has something to do with me currently being jobless)...and now this :(  Fortunately, I still had the old one.  Kurt hadn't fixed it yet, but he can turn it on using a wrench.  So the black crock pot in this picture is going right back to Target :(

1 bag frozen cheese tortellini
1 small bag fresh spinach (I used 2/3 of a regular sized bag)
2 cans diced italian tomatoes
1 32 oz box vegetable broth
8 oz cream cheese, softened

Mix broth with cream cheese (I have a handheld mixer I used) and add all other ingredients. Heat on low 5-6 hours or high 3-4 hours.  At the last minute, I decided to add a turkey kielbasa that I heated and then diced.  Adding that made it taste even more like macaroni and cheese to me, as the kielbasa made it seem like there were HOT DOGS in the soup :-)

The only other thing I'd probably change is only using one can of diced tomatoes.

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