Monday, January 06, 2014

It's OK.

Well, it's one week since my RN position was eliminated.  My last post may have sounded like I was suicidal.  Not the case.  No job is worth that much.  The terrific hurt and significant feeling of betrayal will last a long time, but I'm hoping each day gets a bit easier.  Heck, I haven't shed a tear in over 25 hours....3 hours!

Everyone has just been so supportive, I've had so many phone calls, emails, FB messages, texts.  I've spoken with three of the physicians in the group; they were hearing the news for the first time from me. (I can't believe they hadn't been informed.  It's almost like I was custodial staff.)  They were all shocked and saddened; they had nothing but kind words for me.  One of the physicians paid me the highest compliment ever-he said I was the best thing that ever happened to that practice.

At this point, I'm working on updating my resume, and have done a bit of research on work from home nursing jobs.  I actually started applying for a job on-line the other night until I got to the part that I needed to upload my resume...hence the need to update it ;-)

It'll all be OK.....eventually.....

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