We almost had a crisis in the office!! I've told you how Dr. G. puts peanuts on the ledge outside his office window to feed Joey the squirrel. Well, Dr. G. was on vacation recently (he was gone about two and a half weeks). When he came back he lined up the peanuts out on the ledge. They sat there for over a week and no one claimed them. He came into me on Monday and told me had a problem and could I help him? I'm thinking he wants me to look up a med for him in the PDR, or help him with one of his patients....noooo....he asks me if I can get in touch with Mr. and Mrs. Joey somehow....LOL!!! He was quite unnerved that Joey hadn't taken his peanuts. I suggested that maybe Joey had been squashed...LOL! (He didn't take that too well!)
I'm happy to report that Joey resurfaced on Friday (see picture) and took his stash of nuts. I informed Dr. G. that he apparently had gotten my certified letter I sent him :)
I know, you told Mr. Joey that Dr. G. was going to be away and that you all couldn't find the time to feed him, so he was to find peanuts elsewhere. am I correct?
I think Joey was just p.o'd that there was no food there for him, and he went elsewhere!
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