Monday, May 05, 2014

Quick Trip. Very Quick Trip.

We made a quick trip to State College on Friday evening to attend the last DiscipleMakers meeting of the year.  We left the Lehigh Valley at 3:45 pm, and barely made it there by 7 pm when the meeting started.  We got caught up in horrendous construction and traffic jams. Fortunately, they didn't get started til close to 7:10, so all was good :-)

A senior is invited to give the last talk of the year and Adam has developed a passion for reaching the unchurched and asked to speak.  He spoke about God's heart yearning to make all tribes, tongues and nations know Him, as specifically laid out in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20 - Then Jesus came up and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.").  He referenced multiple passages throughout the bible including 1 Samuel 17, Psalm 67, Psalm 117, 1 Chronicles 16, Psalm 72, 2 Kings 19, Isaiah 25, Isaiah 61, Malachi 1, Daniel 7.  He did a great job; I was so proud of him!

There's a group who's taken it upon themselves to not forget Joe Paterno and have collected donations to put this billboard up and keep it running.  It's on Route 322 going in to State College, normally we don't go this way, so this was the first time we drove by it.  It's electronic with several ads displayed.  I was so happy this was up as we drove by:

Here are some of the graduating seniors being recognized.  Adam was on the Executive Team this year, along with the gal standing to his right:

A nice group of students attended the meeting:

The band.  Adam took his turn playing his bass and electric guitar some weeks.  He also served on the AV team.

We headed off to Otto's Brew Pub for a late dinner.  Love these two :-)

 I asked Adam to take a pic of me and Kurt.  This is what he did instead:

Eventually, he took one!

It was a late night for sure!  We didn't leave State College until close to 11:15 pm.  We got home at 2 am!  We get to repeat on Friday for his graduation!

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