Saturday, August 06, 2011

Happy Birthday Barb!!

We helped celebrate Barb's 65th birthday today. Her family held a surprise party for her at church today. She got a call that there was a function in our fellowship hall and not enough help showed up to do the cooking and could she come help ;) Well, wasn't she surprised!! There was about 70 friends and family there to honor HER!! (And, no, she didn't have to do any cooking...that was just the ploy to get her there!)

Barb and I have been handbell partners on our bell choir for years...we share the same music and help each other out when one of us is lost or confused (which happens frequently I might add...LOL!!). She is retired, but had been the Spanish teacher at one of the high schools in the Lehigh Valley.

Happy Birthday, Barb!!

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