We celebrated Alyssa's 24th birthday today. Wow, I think that means Kurt and I are getting old! Alyssa proclaimed herself the self-appointed Social Director at work and makes cupcakes for everyone's birthday at the office. Today, the other girls stepped up to the plate and made her cupcakes and gave her a candle and lotion from Bath and Body Works. We let the kids pick the restaurant they want to go to for their birthday dinner; this year Alyssa decided she wanted to try Morgan's in Allentown.
The food was delicious and the atmosphere was great! That's a fuzzy peach martini she's got there in her left hand :-)
I was excited for her to open her gift from me and Kurt. I secretly messaged Sarah (her BFF and roomie from PSU) to see if she and their friend Kristin might be able to come to the Lehigh Valley in November and I'd get three tickets for them to see Abba Mania at the Easton State Theater. Sarah and Kristin checked their schedules and determined it was early enough to ask for some time off, so I ordered the tickets. I also got her a gift card to Applebee's for them to go out after the show for appies and drinks ;-)
They brought Alyssa her dessert with a candle in it and our waitress sang Happy Birthday to her:
Look how cute: